29 Apr Aspects that can contribute to increasing labor productivity
By investing a lot of effort and hours at work, employees hope to feel good, safe and protected against any risk (Universal, 2021)
According to Instituto Mexicano Del Seguro Social, at least 75% of Mexicans suffer from fatigue caused by work stress, surpassing countries such as the United States and China. This stress arises when the person experiences stressful situations during their daily environment, causing mental imbalance and physical saturation.
For (Universal, 2021) among the most common causes that can generate this saturation are personal finances that can mean an impediment to satisfy their basic needs; In the long term, work stress leads to reduced productivity, a decrease in the quality of life, as well as illness and even absenteeism from work.
All the difficulties mentioned above can be overcome with the help of different tools to avoid wear and tear and fatigue, in this process the company has a relevant role, he assures (Universal, 2021). The improvement in the quality of the environment where the employee develops is important as well as the benefits he receives, which will help to feel greater support for the employer and will lead to increased productivity.
For (Cristancho Dueñas, 2014) the performance and productivity levels of employees in an organization are strictly related to the way in which work is assumed and conceived, without a doubt, order and discipline are two of the fundamental factors to fulfill the functions to achieve the joint goals.
It is complex to change habits and the ways in which we develop in our work from one day to the next, but if we focus on both personal and global goals and follow a methodology to achieve them, we can obtain greater performance and productivity.
According to (CognosOnline, 2021) there are a series of proposals aimed at achieving greater efficiency and productivity in companies.
Change the work mindset
A worker is not better for spending more time at his job. The culture of “presenteeism” must be eradicated for both management and workers, this factor to the detriment of meeting objectives. Each employee must have their objectives and meet them at the time of being evaluated.
The best worker is the one who enjoys his job
The involvement and motivation of employees in the objectives of the organization are fundamental columns for the correct functioning of the same. Taking advantage of talent and retaining it appears as something impossible if a worker does not feel valued and does not enjoy working conditions that allow him to enjoy other aspects of his life.
Encourage creativity and motivation
Repeating a task over and over again as a mechanic is not a source of inspiration and creativity. In the same way, a stressed worker who can only share time with his family in a minimum space of time when his day is over, he will be highly motivated. It is proven that performance is better when the employee can take advantage of his private life.
Hourly and productive rationalization
When it comes to productivity to improve competitiveness, unfortunately there are those who think that it is enough to reduce wages to achieve this improvement. Others, on the other hand, have shown that with measures of time rationalization and work-life balance it has meant for their companies a significant plus in productivity and employee involvement.
Modify behaviors at work
That certain forms of work have been used for hundreds of years does not mean that they are the appropriate ones. The ” I command and order ” order must be obsolete. It is the responsibility of managers to adopt the necessary decisions to update and modernize the conditions in which companies carry out their activities: promoting teamwork and considering the worker as an internal customer.
The value of time
An employee cannot develop several tasks at the same time, he must have an agenda and go step by step, addressing and finishing each one of them. ‘’ Time is money ’’ and in the company that premise acquires the utmost importance. If managers and collaborators do not measure the need to manage time, it will be difficult to achieve success. Responsibility between company and workers is necessary.
Work meetings yes, but enough
The business day agenda involves meetings but it is recommended that they be short and of limited duration. Calling a meeting before the end of the day when employees are already tired is absurd. It is better to celebrate them in the morning or afternoon, it is important that it is convened when there are only essential topics.
Avoid distractions
All the tools that new technology gives us are lost when we get distracted from working. That is why it is important to focus outside of social networks and disconnect.
We are all responsible
Complaining without acting is useless. Workers must know how to demand the most humane and rational working conditions. On the other hand, employers must make an effort to modernize the work system, but this will be possible only if the necessary measures are adopted, among them and decisively, the rationalization and humanization of schedules.
CognosOnline. (Abril de 2021). CognosOnline. Obtenido de CognosOnline: https://cognosonline.com/co/blog/9-propuestas-para-mejorar-la-productividad-y-el-rendimiento/
Cristancho Dueñas, F. (10 de Abril de 2014). Ascendo. Obtenido de Blog Ascendo: https://blog.acsendo.com/3-aspectos-importantes-para-mejorar-el-rendimiento-laboral/
Universal. (8 de Abril de 2021). El Universal. Obtenido de El Universal : https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/cartera/condiciones-que-pueden-contribuir-al-aumento-de-la-productividad-laboral